10 Interesting Facts about Pluto!

‘The solar system consists of the sun and its nine planets.’ All of us read this statement in our schools in a chapter named ‘The Solar System’.  And then, all of a sudden, in the year 2006, this became false when Pluto was demoted from ‘planethood’ and put under the category of dwarf planets.

Reaching the stars – Kalpana Chawla

Every kid is fascinated and attracted to the glittery night sky as it is studded with innumerable stars that shine and twinkle as if smiling at the world. The urge to get hold of a star or see them closely captivates children from a very young age. So was the first Indian woman astronaut Kalpana Chawla.

Interesting facts about Venus

Space, the home for the zillion stars, planets and galaxies has many stories hidden behind its glitter. Revealing those hidden facts about the numerous elements is space has been of great interest to us humans. So let us find out some interesting facts about Venus, the brightest planet in the sky.