5 Famous People Who Will Inspire You to Never Give Up

1. J.K. Rowling

J.K. Rowling got a divorce at a very early after which was she could barely afford to feed herself and her baby. She then wrote her first book of Harry Potter. At that time she was so poor that she did not have a laptop or even the money to photocopy a 90,000- word novel, so she manually typed it all. Every version was typewritten by her to send to the publishers. It was rejected dozen of times. And finally, Bloomsbury, one of the London publishers, gave her a second chance after the CEO’s daughter fell in love with the plot of the story. And then her first book Harry Potter And The Philosopher’s Stone was published.

2. Jim Carrey

Carrey had a very rough time in his childhood as his father lost his only job. He worked in a factory for his livelihood. This young aspiring comedian- who was so dedicated to his work, emailed his resume to The Carroll Burnett Show.
At the age of 15, he gave his first comedian act onstage. He quit school and became more passionate about his talent. He moved to LA to make his dreams come true. Once at late night, he wrote himself a check for $10,000,000 for “Acting Services Rendered,” which he dated for Thanksgiving 1995. And finally, he got his real paycheck when he signed his first movie Dumb and Dumber.

3. Tyler Perry

Perry had very rough childhood days. He was physically and sexually abused while growing up. He was kicked out of his school. He attempted suicide twice. But at age of 23, he moved to Atlanta. He did a job there and started his stage career.
In the year 1992 he wrote, produced and starred in his first theater production, I Know I’ve Been Changed, which was all about how many difficulties occur during the upbringing of a child. He put all his money on this show which failed and was criticized badly. He did not lose hope and tried harder. He kept up with the production and again did odd jobs to fulfill his basic needs. After six years he finally got his break. His show became a success on 7th run. He became an extremely famous director, writer, and actor. He was named Forbes’ highest paid man in entertainment in 2011.

4. Sarah Jessica Parker

Parker was born in a poor coal-mining town which is in rural Ohio. She was the youngest of four children. Her parents divorced when she was very small, and her mother remarried and had an additional four children. Parker’s stepfather was a truck driver, was often out of work, so she took up singing and dancing to help her mom in running the house. Her mother used to teach and feed their 10-person family.

Parker’s mom always encouraged her to continue the interest in the arts. Her family moved to Cincinnati. Parker enrolled herself there on scholarship in ballet, music, and theater school. When she was 11, she took a trip to New York City and there she auditioned for a Broadway Play. The audition went well. She and her brother both were cast. And finally, they relocated to New York. She worked very hard and finally came into limelight by becoming the title character of TV serial Sex and the City.

5. Oprah Winfrey

Oprah has handled plenty of nuisance throughout her public life with criticism concerning her weight, racism, intrusive questions on her sexuality. But she never let it get between her ambition and drive.
Growing up, Oprah was reportedly a victim of sex abuse and was repeatedly mistreated by her cousin, an uncle, and a family friend. Later, she became pregnant and gave birth to a baby at age fourteen, who died. She continued her studies and did many jobs to basic necessities. At the age of 17, Winfrey won the Miss Black Tennessee beauty pageant. After which she attracted the attention of the local black radio station where she did her part time job.
Winfrey’s career choice in media was nothing of surprise as her grandmother always believed in her and used to say she will speak her out if given a stage. In her childhood, she used to play games like interviewing her corncob doll and the crows on the fence of her house. And finally, she became famous through her talk show The Oprah Winfrey Show.

Photo courtesy of s_buckley / Shutterstock.com, http://www.mastermarketingbasics.com/blog/category/all, Eventbrite